Childrens & Nursery Prints

I love painting art for children. My prints run in themes from seaside to animals to vehicles to Mother Goose and so on. I am always adding a new print so check back. If you have an subject idea for me, send an e mail. You can view all the works in the collection in the online store under Childrens.

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House Portraits

house portraits

On the beach... in the city... or around the neighborhood... Deborah Cavenaugh uses her colorful and playful artistry to bring alive a unique portrait of your special place.

Working from your photographs, artist Deborah Cavenaugh creates a special memory of your home... or your home-away-from-home.

house portrait examples

All Deborah needs is...

  • One straight on photo of the house front.  This is the most important photo. (make sure to get all of the house in the picture)
  • One picture of the house front with a view of the right side.
  • One photo of the house front with a view of the left side.
  • Optional close-ups of any special features such as entrances, special trim, important plants, lighting, etc.

Each Passage Teaches Us Who We Are

The truth is there is no other way to learn but to be tested, to be allowed to strengthen and rise. How will you ever understand your weaknesses until they are made plain through your challenges? How will you ever know how strong you are unless a feat of strength is required that goes way beyond any comfort zone? How will you ever know how fast you can run unless you are truly running for your life? How will you understand the depth of your faith until there is nowhere else to turn?

We can only ever discover our own true courage, strength, faith, intelligence, and purpose through the passages we embrace or refuse.

Let us embrace the passages for they are a blessing. Our passages narrow the way and keep us on the road. They guide us and teach us. Our passages honor us with the opportunity to become more in every way.

It is good to know who we are becoming. You may think you know who you are already, but no matter your age that person is only a new beginning place. There is more to know and more to become. Whomever it is you were born to be can only be discovered through the passages you agree to complete.

Pink Ribbon "Standing in the hope of a new day"

About the print “Standing in the hope of the new day” -

I created this painting for the Pink Ribbon Society of Wilmington, North Carolina. My paintings usually tell a story using symbols that we all know and remember.

This painting tells the story of a woman on a journey.There is a path. She doesn’t know where it will lead, but she knows that she is on it.There is a fence, and she knows that others have been on the path before her.

The path leads to a rising hill (it is not an easy journey), and to a rising sun (there is hope for tomorrow).

The path is marked by guideposts (she is not alone), and lit by lanterns (maybe there are angels nearby).

She is watched over by a bird, a symbol in all my paintings for God watching over us.

Waiting along the path are sunflowers—maybe a reminder that others are waiting to help her through or maybe a symbol of those who have traveled this path before her.

The heart-shaped leaves of the sunflowers reach out as all the hearts of those around her do.

The guideposts mark a journey that must be undertaken. The guideposts mark a passage that will change everything.

We turn to our woman. Hat on her head, she is ready to face this day. Hoe in her hand, she will do the work. Protected by her apron of pink ribbons, she will not enter this garden alone. Barefoot, she begins, one step at a time.

We consider the garden. The garden—a place were we move and act on faith The garden—a place where the acorn can become the miracle oak The garden—where we know for sure: God is. Life goes on. Miracles happen everyday.

In this garden our woman will begin her work and her journey “standing in the hope of the new day”.

The Miracle is This...everything you lack is in you now

(The following piece is a part of a series of essays and poems that inspired paintings by the same title.)

If I could have any wish come true, it wouldn’t be for a skinnier body or a younger face. I wouldn’t wish for a better boyfriend or more money or a quicker intelligence. My wish would be for more faith.

I practice my faith with prayer and words. I go to God everyday with my joys and my sorrows. I expect a lot from him when I am praying and I know, at that moment, He can deliver. But, too often when I am going about my daily life, I behave as if I had no faith at all--afraid that my life will not work out right, fearful of the dark and the unknown. If I am not careful, I can be caught in a mire of doubt and fear about what the day will bring, that saps the joy from the best day. If I am not careful, I will miss the good that is always given.

Why is that? Why can’t I just let go and trust. I don’t exactly know.

When I look at my life in the moment, it is often impossible for me to imagine how everything will work out. I don’t feel like I am on a path but more like I am lost in the middle of field of high grass with no path in sight.

But when I look back at my life, it is so obvious that my feet have never left the path, and that the light has always shown me the way. When I look back, I can see the synchronicity of God’s hand. I can see that every thing has always worked together for good. I can see that even when things turned out badly or not as I had hoped or planned, they still were for the good. They still worked out in just the right way. Even the worst moment strengthened me and taught me and brought me closer to God. And when I realize this, I realize how useless and harmful all that worrying and fear was. I realize that it only served to lose me in myself and separate me from God.

How would my life be different if I were to just stop being afraid? What if I just made the choice to give up fear altogether? What if I never spent one more second worrying about what was going to happen next? What if I just did my work with the faith that everything is happening according to a divine plan, and a knowing that I am not the source of that plan?

In so many things I have unquestionable faith. When I turn on the water faucet, I never worry that water will not flow out. It always has, and so, I don’t even have a thought to question it. When I wake up in the morning, I never worry that when I open my eyes, the daylight might not arrive. It always has, so I don’t ever question it.

So why is it when the going gets rough, I have such a hard time remembering that God never fails. That everything has happened in a way that was best with God right there. I want to experience every day with the same certainty that what is, should be and that what should be, will be. I want every moment to be lived with the same faith that I have when I do something as simple as turning on the water faucet. No questions. No worried thoughts. Just faith.

It is my choice to worry and be afraid. This I do know. When I am wracked with fear and worry, I am choosing to be that way. I am choosing to see the half-empty glass. I am choosing to live in my own ego. I am choosing to believe that somehow I am the source, or I am the one in control.

Nothing could be farther from the truth. I’m not saying you don’t have to do your part, because you do. You can’t be traveling down you highest and best path without wearing out your shoes. I’m just saying I want to do it with faith, relying on God, and not with fear from relying on myself.

I have never been forsaken. I have always been in the care of God. I have wasted so much time and energy and happiness on the fear that comes from my own mind. What an unnecessary burden and waste of life. What a waste of joy. What a waste of resources. What a waste of infinite love.

There is a plan and purpose for us all. God is always working this plan. We have infinite proof when we look back at the path that has brought us to this moment. I want to be able to know this as clearly right now, as I live through this very moment and the next, as I know it when I look back. I want to live each moment without any fear that I will go to the faucet and the water will be gone. I want to live in the present and in the knowledge that the source is infinite, and it is impossible to turn on God and not find him there.

I want to walk daily in the knowledge that “the miracle is this—everything I think I lack, is in me now”.

The Heart is the Last to Forget

(The following piece is a part of a series of essays and poems that inspired paintings by the same title.)

the heart is the last to forget Today, we rode through the winding ways As heart-to-heart we traveled. Living in this and times gone by Remembering and wanting. Wanting something no longer here, Not here, at least, on this day we travel. But, alive in a place where I keep safe The truth that is always remembered. Safe and whole and far from the roads And the days that weary the wanderer. Safe in my heart where I recall well The ways of the times gone by. All things change. One thing remains. In my heart, I know the truth. And, the heart is the last to forget.